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The #1 Choice for Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis
Empowering Your Exploration. Redefining the limits.

Holotomography is a technique that utilizes low-intensity light to acquire the refractive index of cells from multiple angles. This technology has emerged as an excellent cellular imaging solution, allowing for high-resolution imaging while maintaining the health of the cells by using low-intensity light sources. Tomocube's second-generation Holotomography, the Tomocube HT-X1, employs low-coherence light sources, ensuring lower toxicity and noise-free high-resolution image acquisition compared to laser-based methods.

The high-resolution images obtained through this technology enable real-time observation of not only the morphology of living cells but also the shapes of subcellular organelles, such as the nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, and lipid droplets. The integrated stage-top incubator provides a stable cultivation environment, enabling prolonged monitoring of sensitive cells like stem cells or organoids.

This innovative system is compatible with various commercial imaging plates and supports imaging up to 96-well plates, making it applicable for high-throughput screening. Utilizing the HT-X1 allows for the acquisition of high-resolution images of cells, microorganisms, organoids, and tissue samples. Additionally, Holotomography analysis software, TomoAnalysis, facilitates obtaining quantitative information based on refractive index, including high-resolution 3D images of cells, as well as volume, area, concentration, and dry mass. Therefore, the use of HT-X1 becomes a crucial tool in understanding biological phenomena.


  • Label-free 3D visualization
    Label-free 3D live cell imaging of monolayered cells and 3D organoids
  • Correlative fluorescence
    Correlative fluorescence imaging to jointly obtain biomolecular specificity information
  • Long-term timelapse
    Built-in incubator that provides a stable cell culture environment
  • High-throughput screening
    Multi-well plate compatibility for high-throughput experiment
  • Quantitative analysis
    Quantitative measurements analysis of cells and subcellular components

User benefits

  • High Resolution 3D Imaging

    HT-X1 uses an LED illumination module integrated with a Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD). When HT-X1 captures a 3D image, the illumination module is rapidly cycling through a set of optimized illumination patterns programmed in the DMD to encode specific spatial features of the specimen. By synthesizing these images acquired from multiple angles, HT can overcome the optical resolution limit, achieving higher synthetic NA compared to the physical NA value of objective lens. Therefore, HT-X1 imaging provides high-content, high-resolution 3D imaging at exceptional stability.

  • Label-free Cellular Dynamics Observation

    The Holotomography approach in live cell imaging does not require fixation or labeling, which reduces unwanted artificial intervention and the need for long exposure to light. By minimizing the risks of phototoxicity and photobleaching, the specimen remains at its nature state for observation. With a rapid capture speed of 1 second per frame, HT enables real-time monitoring of dynamic cellular processes with exceptional temporal resolution. Additionally, its integrated stage-top feature facilitates long-term observations, empowering researchers to explore cellular phenomena over extended periods with stability and precision.

  • Multi-well Plate Compatibility

    Especially designed to maximize user flexibility, the HT-X1 employs a unique adaptive illumination module that is tailored for multi-well plates. The combination of high NA, a long working distance condenser, DMD, and a motorized illumination unit delivers an efficient illumination pattern for a diverse range of vessel types, from 35-mm dishes to 96-well plates. With the HT-X1, researchers will have more freedom to design their experiments on different sample types using any imaging vessel of their choice.

  • Intuitive Software

    TomoStudio X works in concert with the HT-X1 platform to visualize and analyze RI tomograms. This intuitive, easy-to-use software empowers users with complete system control, allowing them to handle even the most complex experiments through simple mouse clicks. Researchers can easily set up complex time-lapse sequences, perform large-area tile imaging and stitching tasks, and image multiple points with ease using this software.




  • HT-X1 main unit

    • Holotomography illumination module
    • Image sensor
    • Sample holder
    • Environmental chamber
    • Positioning stages
    • Fluorescence light engine
  • Software

    • TomoStudio X for acquisition control
    • TomoAnalysis for data viewing & analysis
  • Environmental controller

    • External controller for temperature and gas